During the mobility all participating teachers and pupils from the Polish school had the opportunity to participate in a tree planting experience. Caring about our environment is in the heart of all of us and our Erasmus project “Guiding the Development of Responsible Citizens.”
For many of us this was our first tree planting experience. Here is what our teachers said after the activity:
For many of us this was our first tree planting experience. Here is what our teachers said after the activity:
"It was perfectly planned. Well done to the organisers. It had a huge impact on me and it was lovely seeing the pupils being actively engaged throughout the activity. Participating in this Erasmus project has given us the opportunity to think about our world, identify issues and try our best to make out world a better place to live for our pupils," Giannis from the UK
"Our session today was very inspiring and enabled us to consider and plan how we can share and implement our ideas to promote global citizenship within our schools. The tree planting experience was wonderful; sharing the planting of saplings with enthusiastic children who will be able to witness the growth of trees over the next decade was a privilege," Anne,the UK
"The National Teacher's Day was an incredible event to participate in. It was wonderful to see everybody's involvement and appreciation. Watching the children perform a dance with the Polish flags was truly moving and being able to interpret for the local authorities was an honour. Dziekuje Polska Team,” Maggie (Marzena), the U.K.
"What an engaging day indeed...The warm welcome of the students ushered us to a highly successful and eventing brainstorming meeting presenting original and innovative ideas and suggestions on promoting projects, tasks and actions for developing students awareness and empathy towards the global goals adopted by our Erasmus project named "guiding the development of responsible citizens in school!!!!!" Konstantinos, GR
"What a beautiful day to live. So far away from home but so near at the Same time.We celebrated the national teachers day, we saw the incredible show from the students of Zblewo school.We were one,same as the world and the earth.Shared feelings,ideas and even food lead us to take action. We planted trees in a beautiful forest.As a famous Greek writer said "it's your own duty to save the world,yours alone".We have made the start.Will you join us? That is the message I want to take home with me...and polish team you rock…” (Vina,Greece)
"The children were great, very excited and very involved in planting trees, (Joanna, Poland)
"Εξαιρετική εμπειρία. Η συνεργασία με τα παιδιά τα οποία είχαν ενθουσιαστεί ήταν υπέροχη," (Δώρα, Ελλάδα).
"Még sosem ültettem fát előtte, de örülök, hogy egy ilyen jóhangulatúesemény közben lehettem részese először. Számomra nagy lépés volt, jóérzés, hogy itt, a messzi Lengyelországban van egy fa a nevemmel ellátva- most következhet Magyarország, és utána szép sorban más országok!" (Kata, Hungary)
"A szüleimmel gyerekkėnt többször ültettünk a kertbe gyümölcsfàkat saját érdekből. Több szempontból jóėrzėst vàltott ki belőlem ez a közös faültetés. Egyszer előhozta bennem a gyerekkori emlékeiket, valamint tehettem valamit a közösérdekekėrt," (Gizella, Hungary)
"Fantasztikus élmény volt az Erasmus program keretén belül a lengyel gyerekekkel együtt fákatültetni. Örömmel tölt el, hogy közösen tettünk a tiszta levegő, a zöld környezetés így a jövőmegőrzéséért!" (Orsi, Hungary)
"Örömmel vettem részt a közös faültetésben. Imádom az erdőt, a természetet. Jóötlet volt a gyerekeket is bevonni, hiszen így még jobban fel tudjuk hívni a figyelmüket, környezetünk védelmére." (Margó, Hungary)
"Felemelőérzés volt számomra, hogy részt vehettem egy olyan tevékenységben, amely a Földünk megóvásáért tesz. Jólátni, hogy az ültetésen készültés megosztott képek szélesebb körben is elismerést nyertek,” (Andrea, Hungary)
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